contact us

Feel free to contact us when you have questions.

You can email us using the form at the right or call us at the following:

Office - 307.682.6622

Lexi Mobile - 307.689.1024

Jordan Mobile - 307.689.7448

907 E. Boxelder Rd.
Gillette, WY 82718



Filtering by Tag: gillette rehab and physical therapy

Gillette Physical Therapy (Gillette PT)


Gillette Physical Therapy (Gillette PT)

Gillette physical therapy in Gillette Wyoming is a locally owned and operated business.  They are family oriented and dedicated to their patients.  From the moment you walk into the clinic the friendly staff at Gillette PTwill greet you with a smile.  It is a relaxed and welcoming environment where you are treated you for your specific needs as well as educated throughout the process.  Gillette PT features the first certified hand therapist in Gillette, the only board certified sports specialist in the area, the only certified sportsmetrics clinic in all of Wyoming, and a commitment to offer the highest quality of personalized service!

Gillette PT is very active in our community.  They serve on community boards, volunteer at various events, and donate time and money to local charities.  They are also proud to be the Sports Medicine team provider to the Gillette College basketball, rodeo, and cross country/track teams. Sports Medicine services are also provided to the Gillette Roughrider and Rustler baseball teams, the Gillette hockey teams, as well as provide outstanding service to numerous Campbell County student-athletes.

If you have any physical therapy or occupational therapy needs we would recommend Gillette PT as second to none!  They offer and specialize in a complete list of physical therapy services that are sure to get you back to living your life!