contact us

Feel free to contact us when you have questions.

You can email us using the form at the right or call us at the following:

Office - 307.682.6622

Lexi Mobile - 307.689.1024

Jordan Mobile - 307.689.7448

907 E. Boxelder Rd.
Gillette, WY 82718



Gillette WY Real Estate Market Update


We hope you had a great holiday season and an even better start to 2011!  This is an updated real estate market conditions spreadsheet.   As you can see we still have an overall absorption rate of 6 months.  This tells us we have a very balanced real estate market.  The pending home sales are down a bit since our last update, but this is typical as we come out of the holiday season.  These numbers should begin to climb as we head toward our spring market.  With just over 300 homes on the market in Gillette we are just about perfect on a healthy amount of inventory.  If you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to contact us.  Also, if you know someone who would like to receive this monthly update please let us know.  Have a great day!