contact us

Feel free to contact us when you have questions.

You can email us using the form at the right or call us at the following:

Office - 307.682.6622

Lexi Mobile - 307.689.1024

Jordan Mobile - 307.689.7448

907 E. Boxelder Rd.
Gillette, WY 82718



Massachusetts Gets 2 Thumbs up!


A recent wedding invitation gave us the opportunity to make our first trip out to the east coast.  The wedding took place in Pittsfield /Lenox, MA.  It was a beautiful ceremony with equally beautiful venues for the wedding and reception Guests were treated to fabulous food and dancing at the luxurious Cranwell Resort & Spa

Everyone in the Pittsfield area was friendly and upbeat as we made our way around town.  People were always willing help and always prepared with a smile and a good morning, good afternoon, and good night.  This was especially true in the case of Steven Valenti of Steven Valenti Clothing for Men.  We had a last minute emergency with my tuxedo for the wedding.  Steve was very helpful, calming, and quick to act in a stressful situation.  He helped Lexi identify the problem and had her back on the road in a jiffy!

After the wedding festivities we headed back east to Cape Cod for the afternoon.  We had a wonderful lunch and enjoyed strolling up and down the docs looking at boats and taking in the sights & sounds.

Over the next several days we toured Boston including a stroll along The Freedom Traila baseball game at historic Fenway Park, and the best lobster and clam "chowda" we have ever had at Legal Seafoods!  We wish we could have seen everything Boston has to offer, but we just ran short on time.  However, We did create some fantastic memories and would recommend Massachusetts to anyone looking for a friendly travel destination!


MAKE IT a Great day!

Lexi & Jordan Ostlund

RE/MAX Professionals; Gillette, WY